Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the Crew Season?

There are three (3) parts of the Crew Season

What do I need to wear for Crew?

Fall - No formal uniforms for Fall – a Bosco shirt is sufficient for races. 

Winter- A Bosco shirt is sufficient for winter workouts. 

Spring  - A "Uni" Crew uniform is provided by school for the Spring Season.

What is Band and how do I join it?

Band is our private communications app. Since it is private, you will need to click on the invitation request. The request will allow you to install the Band app on your phone. You can also view Band on the Web ( Band App provides:

There are two separate "Bands" - one just for the parents and one just for the athletes;  Parents should only post on the Parent's Band and not on the Athletes Band.

How do I get the Band App?

You will need to download the Band App from either the App Store (iOS Phones) or Google Play (Android Phones).

Once you provide your email address to us then an Administrator (such as the Coach) or a co-Administer (such as the Heads of the OC) will send an invitation to your email address. 

Once you accept the invitation the Administrator or co-Administrator will accept your invitation and the Crew Band will appear on inside your Band App and you can begin using Band.

What is Iron Oars LLC?

Iron Oars LLC is the name of the organization that provides coaching and regatta registration services in the Fall and Winter seasons. 

Registration payments for the Winter and Fall Crew fees are made to "Iron Oars  LLC". 

As Spring Crew is a sanctioned sport at DBP, Spring Crew registration fees are made out to "Don Bosco Prep".  

What it US Rowing?

US Rowing is a National Organization. All Crew participants must apply for and maintain membership in US Rowing in order to be able to practice and race for DB Crew.

What is an Erg?

An “ergometer” (“erg” for short) is a device that measures work. In laymen's terms, it is a Rowing Machine

What is the Erg Classic?

The Erg Classic is an annual indoor completion of rowers from across the region. It is held at Don Bosco Prep in January of each year. It is also the main fundraiser for the Oarsmen Club .ERG Classic 

How do I find out about the next Regatta/Race? contains detailed information about upcoming Regattas for Bosco Crew ( It also includes:

What is the PRSA?

PSRA stands for the Philadelphia Scholastic Rowing Association . It is the association the organizes most of the regattas that we attend:

They also provide:

How do I volunteer for a Regatta?

You will need to sign up on SignUpGenius. The best way to do this is to go to our Volunteer Page and click on the sign up button.

When is a race timed vs a "Sprint Race" with direct competition?

Race terms: 

So our Fall "Head of the Passaic" is a long race that is a race for time.

What are the names of different boat configurations entered in a race?  

The Boats: 

What is the difference between the bow and the stern of the boat?

The equipment and parts of the boat: 

What is a Stroke Rate?

Notes how many strokes per minute (SPM) the rowers are finishing, called by the coxswain.  Boats may start a race at 40+ SPM, then settle into a race-pace in the 30s, picking it back up for Power 10s or more during a sprint to the finish. Mid-20s is sometimes called steady state. 

What is a "Heat Sheet"?

A Heat Sheet is used to give you details about the boat your son is racing in at the regatta.

Before the race it will tell you the time of his race and the boat number and boat lane in which it is racing, This information is not published untill late in the week - usually on Friday.

After the race it will tell you how your son's boat performed in the race,

What does a "Heat Sheet" look like?